This is a virtual cafe where all ideas are entertained all facts discerned, all topics discussed. And just because the proprietor has a passion for Christ, books, and the Acoustic guitar, that doesn't mean you can't veer wildly off into different subjects. So, come in, have a coffee (imported especially from Verble's finca in El Salvador), and talk about whatever you want.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Overheard at the Counter: I Believe in Father Christmas
They said there'll be snow at Christmas
They said there'll be peace on earth
But instead it just kept on raining
A veil of tears for the virgin's birth
I remember one Christmas morning
A winters light and a distant choir
And the peal of a bell and that Christmas tree smell
And their eyes full of tinsel and fire
They sold me a dream of Christmas
They sold me a silent night
And they told me a fairy story
'til I believed in the Israelite
And I believed in Father Christmas
And I looked at the sky with excited eyes
'til I woke with a yawn in the first light of dawn
And I saw him and through his disguise
I wish you a hopeful Christmas
I wish you a brave new year
All anguish pain and sadness
Leave your heart and let your road be clear
They said there'll be snow at Christmas
They said there'll be peace on earth
Hallelujah Noel be it Heaven or Hell
The Christmas you get you deserve
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Overheard at Table 1: Christmas Wrapping
While the Donnas did a fair remake of this classic, the Waitresses still take the cake, as it were, for the absolute coolest quasi-anti-Christmas song ever. What's so excellent about this song is that it has so much more soul than other bland, bland Christmas songs (like All I Want for Christmas is You, blech!) and it totally describes the feelings of somebody who just can't get into the Christmas spirit . . . and then ends with a chance meeting, of another person in the same dismal position of having no plans whatsoever, and BAM! total turnaround.
Basically, it turns a Bah Humbug into a "OK, that's cool" moment. Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant! This is one of the very few secular Christmas tunes that can actually be considered part of a Christmas Carol Canon.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Overheard at Booth 3
We are ugly, ugly people.
We pepper spray each other over $30 cellphones and trample each other for Nintendo Wii's.
Seeing a flood of people all wanting to spend their money, a giant ocean of thrashing bodies with wrapped packages, it just churns your stomach.
Whenever we see other people in the world in such conditions, it's generally because their rioting against military dictatorships, or trying to get food - or water.
We riot to buy crap.
We stomp on each other to buy crap.
We shoot each other, pepper spray each other, beat each other's heads into the stone floor - all just to buy CRAP!
We are ugly, ugly people. And I am thankful for Black Friday, because it reveals us for what we are. Now, I would be even more thankful if all of America would take a good long hard look in this mirror and CHANGE INTO SOMETHING BETTER!!!!!
Overheard at Table 4: Computer Snogs
And then my daughter was working on it, and she's suddenly like, "Like what version of Windows IS this, Dad?" and I tell her "It's 2003" and she's all "You need to get modern - at school we're using Word 2010." And she's not doing anything more than printing out a thank you letter for her aunt to take back to the other aunts - all she's doing is just two quick sentences and a print! Word 2003 works just fine for that! She doesn't NEED 07 or 10 or whatever! Heck, for what she's doing she could use Notepad, for goodness sake!
I tell ya, are some people addicted to their specifics or am I just out of touch? I say, if it works, it works, and if I need to upgrade, I'll upgrade, but I'm not going out to buy and $80 router for wi-fi when I don't need to and I'm sure not buying Office 2010 just to feed Microsoft's greed!
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Overheard at the Counter: Thankgiving

Overhears at Booth 3:Aircraft Carriers
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
At the Counter: Word of the Day
adj. vil·er, vil·est
1. Loathsome; disgusting: vile language.
2. Unpleasant or objectionable: vile weather. See Synonyms at offensive.
a. Contemptibly low in worth or account; second-rate.
b. Of mean or low condition.
4. Miserably poor and degrading; wretched: a vile existence.
5. Morally depraved; ignoble or wicked: a vile conspiracy.
[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin vlis, cheap, worthless; see wes-3 in Indo-European roots.]
vilely adv.
vileness n.
In other words, a synonym of "vile" would be "conservative" in the context of the current conservative movement.
As we go forward into 2012, the year when the vile conservatives will undoubtedly make great strides in brainwashing the American public to vote against their own economic self-interests, it behooves me to state to you now, unequivocally, that whenever I make these definitions against "conservatives" I am not speaking of the human beings. I am commanded by GOD to love every human being, even the ones who want to kill me. I love you all. However, the conservative movement, and it's ideology (or should I say "Ide-olatry") is completely open for my loathing, my detestation, my hatred.
Yes, I can hate the conservative thought, because I know where it comes from: it comes from Satan. Now, before you weak-minded conservatives jump up and start throwing your not-well-read-enough Bibles in my direction, let me lead you down the logical path, and don't worry, I'll try to make it simple enough for you;
1) Jesus said "You cannot serve both God and Money"
2) The Conservative Ideology is based on money.
3) Therefore, the Conservative Ideology does not serve God.
Chew on that, masticate, ruminate, mull it over. Eventually, it'll sink in.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Overheard at Table 1: Venal
A third definition of the word "venal"
3) A member of the Republican party.
At the Counter: Announcement for 2012

Here is my prediction, but I'll forewarn you, it's a sad one, and I pray to God in Heaven that I am proved wrong.
2012 is the year that the world ends. But not the physical earth, it's the year when America ends: the decent, kind America that historically has sent forth more financial and medical aid than countries in need, the America that made things better and faster, the America that entered wars in order to STOP wars, and not because it wanted to preserve its empire, and America that made sure that everybody had a decent livable wage.
That America, frankly, only existed for a short time, if it existed at all, but it was an image we had of ourselves, and next year is the year that it's gone for good, because next year is when America strips away this ideal that all who come here can have a better life just by working hard, next year America will finally reveal itself that if you ain't the CEO, you ain't squat under a bootheel, when America will finally show itself as venial, mean-spirited, and mediocre.
This is because next year the Republicans are going to win the election - by at least 60%. They will win the election because of two main factors: The investors will keep the stock market weak throughout 2012, and there will be no great gains in the economy. The economy will be kept weak by these serpents, because they want unemployment to remain high. This is so they can keep attacking the President and show him to be ineffective, which he is, but only because he tried to work across the aisle.
The other reason is that the Health Care Reform comes up before the Supreme Court in June. They will unravel the entire thing, simply by ruling unconstitutional the power of Congress to force each citizen to purchase health care. When they do this, the whole thing is gone, and not only will your sick children now no longer be able to get their medicine, the Health Insurance companies will now jack your rates so high that the only medical care you will EVER receive is a gauze pad from a bored ER nurse when you arrive on the doorstep hemorraging from every pore.
When the Health Care law is repealed, the Republicans will tell America, "Told you so! We told you guys that you didn't want affordable health care, and now we will make sure you never get it!" And then, the ONLY accomplishment of any real value in this presidency will be gone.
Our president may as well not even run. This year is going to be an embarrassing slaughter of immeasurable proportions.
I'm sorry to have to give you this news, and again, I pray that I am wrong. The only consolation I can give you is that the coffee is on the house today.
So drink well, my friends, you will need to be fortified for the days ahead!
Overheard at Table 3: Recent Republican Debates
Len: You mean, worse than they already do every day? Worse than they have been the last three years?
Steve: But dang, all you hear are excuses excuses excuses. I've heard the news saying "Give Perry a chance" and "Hey, we don't need an orator anyway. Orators make the worst presidents!"
Len: Then what do they think of the "Great Orator" ? Wasn't he supposedly the greatest President?
Steve: Shoot, it just goes to show that the conservatives will make any excuse for a conservative. They absolutely refuse to admit that they have a whole host of dribbling morons up there on that stage (except for Mr. Slickmitt Romney) and they can't stand the fact that Perry's a moron, Cain's a slimy serpent, and Bachmann is just a loose looney!
Len: Yeah, but they spout what the Republican base want to hear: We won't tax you, and we'll kill anybody who stands in our way.
Steve: What I can't understand is how they can make such flubs as not remembering what departments they want to cut, making outrageously false statements with completely inaccurate figures, getting their sources wrong, false allegations, false claims, and each and every time they are fact-checked and found out to be complete frauds, and yet the news and the people completely ignore them. What the hell is going on here?
Len: There are none so blind as those who will not see.
Steve: Then we all deserve who we vote for.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Overheard at Booth 3: Ninth Gate

Dang can Roman make a movie, man I don't care if he was under house arrest for something he did in the 70's, which yeah I admit he probably should stand trial for, but dang, he can still make a movie, this one was all subtle and dark and slightly burned around the edges, but I have to admit his ONE downfall as a director is this insipid desire to cast his current girlfriend as the lead in every movie, because I have never seen a one of 'em what could act!
Seriously! I suppose one of the carrying forwards of this movie was Johnny Depp, but then that guy could recite the phone book and make it sound either hilarious, mysterious, creepy, or existential, all depending on whatever character a director wanted at the time. And I have to say that Lena Olin played a darn good femme fatale - with claws and everything!
Couldn't really understand the ending, though, did he open the 9th gate or what? Dang, he opened SOME gate, that's fer sure! Heh heh, but really, we're looking for the book for two hours, which I have to tell you, just for the shots of these massive personal libraries with these books that are hundreds of years old,
for a bibliphile, that will leave your mouth watering. Oh, to have bookcases like those! Makes your heart downright ACHE!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Overheard at the Counter: Michael Berry and Hatin' conservatives
Well, Michael Berry has not, obviously, spoken to many liberals, at least not directly. His closest contact with a liberal has probably been in the pages of an Ann Coulter book. That notwithstanding, there are specific reasons why liberals hate conservatives.
Actually, though, let's rephrase: because HATE is something forbidden by God. We are commanded to love our enemies. And yes, conservatives are the enemies of all decent human beings everywhere. Period.
So, let's say that while we must LOVE our conservative brothers, we certainly can LOATHE conservatism, at least as how conservatism is currently in the American culture. There was a time, not just two or three generations ago, when conservatism was not so wholly descpicable as it is now, so there is hope that one day in the future that it will take on an entirely new meaning, hopefully something more positive.
But let's get back to the point: Conservatism is wrong, and we "hate" it (using Michael Berry's term) because of these points:
1) They worship the dollar.
2) They allow corporations to kill the environment, and to kill people.
3) They are intolerant of any ideas other than their own.
4) They are mean-spirited and cruel.
5) They are hypocritical.
6) They can't abide honest discussion. They resort only to ad hominem attacks and false alternatives when presenting their arguments.
7) They spawn vicious hatemongers like Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter.
and, since you dweebs like specifics, let's have some specifics:
8) Warrantless wire taps
9) Halliburton
10) Enron
11) Iraq war (both of them, but especially the second.)
12) Waterboarding.
13) Holding US Citizen Padilla without charge for over a year in direct violation of the Constitutional right he was born with.
13) Killing US Citizens on foreign soil without due process (OK, I'll admit, that was under a Democratic President . . . but you know you liked it!)
14) Slavish devotion to the death penalty.
15) Your stance against Pro-Choice, especially when the woman's life and health is in danger.
16) Your cartoonish approach to welfare, and describing every single welfare recipient as a fat black woman addicted to crack cocaine and spitting out babies just so she can increase her monthly government payout.
17) Your description of Social Security as an "entitlement"
18) Your endless parade of presidential candidates who spew your "marriage is sacred between man and a woman" when almost every one of them has had numerous affairs, and one who even served divorce papers on his wife while she was dying in the hospital from cancer.
19) This farcical notion of "American Exceptionalism."
20) Your sullen, childish, petulant stance against HEALTH CARE. (That one really grinds me!)
Should I go on, Mr. Berry? Or do you at least get that there are many reasons why Liberals would hate Conservatives. I would, and I did, before I reminded myself I was not put on this earth to hate.
So, instead, I would like to educate instead of hate. Sadly, though, the worst students are conservatives, because they are either too ignorant, too obstinate, or simply too stupid to learn anything that isn't spewed out of the propaganda machine called the Conservative controlled Mainstream Media.
Also, that's a good one too: conservatives have done a real good job of taking over the media by selling the idea that the liberals control the media. Fox News is now mainstream media. All the other outlets are alternative media. Good job, guys. The fascist propaganda machine bought and paid for by the oligarchy is really doing well.
And that's another reason to despise conservatism.
Man, I could go on all day. But like most Americans, I have to go out and work now.
See you at the Occupy movement!
(Just kidding! But I made you cringe just then, didn't I?)
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Overheard at the Counter: A Passion Play
It was almost as if this movie were made by actors who were past thier prime, and are trying to get back in the game. But I thought that couldn't be true for Murray. I was thinking maybe this was Megan Fox's first movie, before she made her big break in Transformers. Then I looked the movie up today and it was made only LAST YEAR!
Pretty much - make it different right from the start.
Overheard at Booth 4: Immortals
Wife: Just all right?
Husband: Yeah, it was a little gory.
Husband: Let the kids see it? The thing was a gore fest, there were at least three throats slit with blood pouring out, there were massive decapitations, blood and guts smashed all over the walls, people split completely in half, eyes couged out with thumbs, and total carnage throughout the whole two hours!
Wife: Yeah, but the sex scene will just give them ideas about doing stuff we don't want them to do.
Husband: So was Phaedra.
Wife: That was a body double.
Husband: When?
Wife: When she was naked. I read it on my phone when I was looking up the movie. That wasn't her naked. That was a body double.
Husband: Then they were both hot.
Friday, November 11, 2011
from the Counter

Thursday, November 10, 2011
Overheard at Booth 4: Puss in Boots

And yes the animation was splendid, and Antonio Banderas' voice is pitch-perfect for this role, but still there seemed to be something lacking, and I can't put my paw on it. Maybe it was just because this was the fifth installment of a franchise that frankly should have ended with Shrek 2.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Overheard at Table 3: Cars 2 Review

Monday, November 7, 2011
Sunday, November 6, 2011
On an iPad screen, left on at Table 3: "Psalm 27 from Warren Peace"
Looking for America
I’ve come to look for America
but I can’t find her anywhere.
I looked on her front porch,
but the boards were rotted through,
I looked in her back yards
but the grass was overgrown,
I drove past her wheat fields,
but they’d all been left unplowed,
just wooden signs that stretched to the sky
standing by the roadside, saying
Zoned for Commercial or Residential
Please Call.
I went looking in the factories,
but the factories were all closed down,
just workers stripping windows and
cleaning the bricks,
and putting in the studs to
build condominium walls.
I went looking in the train stations,
but America was not there,
just some ragged Army jackets
that she’d left behind as blankets
of the veterans who sleep there.
I went looking on the coasts
out on the Gulf seas,
but all the shrimp boats were pulled in
and the nets were hanging empty.
I went looking in the forests
but all the trees were burning,
from casually tossed off cigarettes
that touched the tinder into flames.
I went driving down the highways,
across the mid and coast to coast,
thought I’d find her in a diner
over scrambled eggs and toast,
but the coffee there was bitter
and the pancakes were too dry,
and America hadn’t even left a tip
for the waitress with the swollen eye.
I went looking for America
but America had left town,
she’d pulled the blinds on the shop windows
after the Main Street had all closed down.
I stood on the flat mountain top
that had been stripped off for coal,
and looked across the painted desert
at the city in the sooty fold,
I knew I’d never find America
in the shadows of the scrapers of the sky,
because she’d sold off every lease
to any foreigner who’d buy,
and those left to die in the alleyways
from drugs smuggled in cracks
across borders from lands of distant suns,
America had long since romanticized
her Tin Pan Alley Slums.
But all that’s left of America now,
are just a handful of American tunes,
some scattered fragments of melodies
of songs no longer sung.
I went looking for America
But couldn’t find her anywhere,
just a ragged tri-colored blanket
she’d left draped across an
old wooden rocking chair
that stands upon that front porch
with the boards all rotted through.
Warren thinks of his grandmother, living all alone in a house built against an old historic lighthouse on the coast of Maine. She’s lived there alone for the last fifteen years, with only her last surviving son, his uncle, looking in on her intermittently.
She is old now: decrepit, and blind. Every phone call ends with her rage against a God who took away two of her three sons. "A mother is supposed to go before her children. How can I love a God who did this to me?"
Warren would like to think that it is out of respect for his grandmother that he doesn't try to reassure her, but he knows that it really is because he doesn't have anything that he could say that would make her feel any differently, or any better.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Overheard at Table 4
"so im thinking that Apple now knows everything about my life because they know everything on my computer and im thinking first wow that means they can take over my life, because they've got all my info and then im thinking what can the government do to spy on me because they can probably get all that info from Apple if they wanted and then i thought, wow man that's really paranoid, because they don't have just my info, they've got info from millions and billions of computers all over the world, and they would have to just crawl through all that data, and why would they want MY info anyway, i would have to have something that would really stick out that anybody would be interested in, and really, i'm really not all that interesting,
"and then i thought to myself 'that's the secret to being happy!' - just make yourself so uninteresting that no one will ever want to do anything to you.
"pretty cool, huh?"
Friday, November 4, 2011
Dali, Cannibal
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Overheard at Table 2: Kids these days are so eloquent
Dad: Sure. What's it called?
Son: I dunno.
Dad: What's it about?
Son: I dunno.
Dad: Well, where'd you hear about it?
Son: I saw a commercial on TV.
Dad: And what was the commercial like?
Son: Uh, I can't really explain it. But it's by the same guys who did Grown Ups. Can't you just look it up on YouTube?
Dad: Sure, son - I'll just search under "new movie by same guys who did Grown Ups"
Son: That should work.