"My friend Bethany asked us today who we thought was the best rock bass player in the world was, and it reminded me of a few of my favourite jokes about musicians, like
"How many guitarists does it take to change a lightbulb? Seven. One to change the lightbulb and six to stand around saying, 'I could to that.'
"Or there's this one: What's the difference between a bass player and a fourteen inch pizza? A fourteen inch pizza can feed a family of four.
"Then there's my favourite: a guy is out in the jungle and he's never been there before and he has this guide showing him around, and he hears these drums from somewhere far away, and they don't sound like they're stopping, and he asks the guide, 'So what do the drums mean?' and the guide says 'Aw don't worry about the drums. The drums are fine. When the drums stop, then worry.'
"These drums go on for days, and days, and every once in awhile he'll ask the guide, 'Seriously, man, what's the deal with the drums?' and the guide will reassure him, 'Don't worry, my friend. The drums are fine. When the drums stop, then you worry.'
"Finally, after days of this, he's about to ask the guide again, when suddenly the drums stop. He looks to the guide, who has thrown himself on the ground and looks like he's trying to hide himself underneath a rock. He says to the guide 'What's up?! What's going on?'
"And the guide looks at him with a face of sheer terror and says ... 'BASS SOLO!'"
This is a virtual cafe where all ideas are entertained all facts discerned, all topics discussed. And just because the proprietor has a passion for Christ, books, and the Acoustic guitar, that doesn't mean you can't veer wildly off into different subjects. So, come in, have a coffee (imported especially from Verble's finca in El Salvador), and talk about whatever you want.
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Live at the Z&T: Pat Metheny "Last Train Home"
For Pat, any train will bring him home to the Zen and Tao Acoustic Café!
Thank you, Mr Metheny, for sharing your genius with the world...
Thank you, Mr Metheny, for sharing your genius with the world...
Sunday, May 24, 2015
Sufjan Stevens and Rose Thomas at the Z&T
Both of them are simply geniuses, and the world is very fortunate to be blessed with their talent!
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Overheard at Table 3: Croi Croga
Croí Cróga Fuair rí na hAlbain, bás I ndairíre,
Gan olc ar a tsaol seo.
Tháinig fear as a deisceart,
Rí Éamonn a shíleam, nach bhfuil olc ná crualach.*
Chreid an slua,
Breis agus ísleacht eatarthú féin
Bhí dearmad air choíche,
Radharc na héin,
Seo finnscéal.
Ohón óró fheiliró agus óchón oícheán óchán óchán oícheán fheiliró, fheiliró.
D'éag an rí, Gan olc ar a’ tsaol seo,
Bhí n’teideal ag Éamonn. Ohón fheiliró óchón.
Throid na hAltnaí, Daoine is Tiarnaí,
Eatarthú féin. Ohón fheiliró óchón.
Cuireadh go sciobail, in adhaigh na cogaidh,
Coiriú gan adhmad, Coiriú gan dóigh. Crochadh tríocha, Tríocha gan uaisleacht, Agus buachaillín a bhí óg, Croí Cróga, Finnscéal Beo. Ohón fheiliró óchón. D’fháiscigh an mhaorgacht, Ó bliain na hAltana, Sé mbliain a bhí cróga, cróga gan dóigh. Shuí ar a lá seo, comh cnéasta le coighleách, Scairt sí a shaoirse, Fadó bhí Cróga, Croí cróga. Ohón óró fheiliró agus óchón oícheán óchán óchán oícheán fheiliró, fheiliró. Fuair rí na hAlbain bás I ndairíre, gan olc ar a tsaol seo, tháinig fear as a deisceart, Bhí Éamonn a shuí linn, Olc fada na crualach. Cuireadh go sciobail, In adhaigh na cogaidh, Coiriú gan adhmad, Coiriú gan dóigh. Crochadh tríocha, Tríocha gan uaisleacht, Agus buachaillín a bhí óg, Croí Cróga, Finnscéal Beo. Óró feiliró, agus óró fheiliro, agus óró fhileiró agus óró oícheán x5 Brave Heart The King of Scotland, died a serious death, with no sin in his life. A man came from the south, King William I think, that wasn't bad or cruel.* The crowds belived, the noble and the peasants, between themselves’ He then forgot, the view of the birds**, this is a love story.*** Ohón óró fheiliró agus óchón oícheán óchán óchán oícheán fheiliró, fheiliró. The king appealed, without bad in this world, William had the title****. Ohón fheiliró óchón. The Scottish fought, Men and their Lords, between themselves. Ohón fheiliró óchón. Was said wisely, in the face of war, 'Life without wood', 'life without chance' (old proverb). Thirty where hanged, thirty without loyalty, an a boy that was young, Braveheart, A true living story. Ohón fheiliró óchón...... Heroic was his might, Oh the years of the scottish, Six years that where brave, brave with no way. Sat on this day, as kind as a hero, he shouted for his freedom, Long ago was brave, Brave Heart. Ohón óró fheiliró.... The King of Scotland, died a serious death, with no sin in his life. A man came from the south, King William I think, that wasn't bad or cruel.* Was said wisely, in the face of war, 'Life without wood', 'life without chance' (old proverb). Thirty where hanged, thirty without loyalty, an a boy that was young, Braveheart, A true living story. Óró feiliró, agus óró fheiliro........
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Overheard at Table 1: Connected...
You tell me who was more "connected" - 2500 people, mainly soldiers, died in Pearl Harbor. Not even a part of the United States at that time. Yet, it galvanized a nation to build the greatest military this planet had ever seen, lifted us out of a depression, got everyone to work, and ultimately spurred us to be the pre-eminent military force on the planet for the next three generations.
Then, you've got 9/11. 3,000 people dead on the Twin Towers, four planes, the Pentagon. Mainly civilians. What did that bring us? Two long drawn out, economically crippling wars that eventually has led to the weakening of our influence on the world state, China's rise to power, increased Russian aggression, aNOTHr almost-Depression, and a nation so scattered they can't even agree on license plates.
So, who's more "connected"? You tell me!
Then, you've got 9/11. 3,000 people dead on the Twin Towers, four planes, the Pentagon. Mainly civilians. What did that bring us? Two long drawn out, economically crippling wars that eventually has led to the weakening of our influence on the world state, China's rise to power, increased Russian aggression, aNOTHr almost-Depression, and a nation so scattered they can't even agree on license plates.
So, who's more "connected"? You tell me!
Saturday, May 16, 2015
Overheard at Booth 3: Dever Dodd and Clare O'Casey Discuss Crusades and Missionaries
Dever Dodd says, "The thing about people who hate Christianity, I mean really really hate Christianity, is that they always bring up the Crusades. I mean, Man, come on! The Crusades? Like we're still paying for shit that people did centuries ago?"
Clare O'Casey says, "Like white people guilt over slavery?"
Dever Dodd replies, "Exactly! But that's a whole 'nother story. All I read on Twitter is 'Crusades! Believe in Christ or we kill you!' - which means these guys don't understand either one - Christ OR the Crusades."
Clare O'Casey says, "Well, they were pretty brutal, and it's right there in the bloody name - Cross, CRUS-ades. Crusades MEANS Cross. Cross of Christ. You can't separate the two."
Dever Dodd says, "Still doesn't take away from the fact that it was still a land grab. Nothing but a land grab. It was all about money and power. Which means it's about as far away from Christ as any non-believer. What really peeves me to the bone is that they never once talk about all the missionaries who quit their jobs and sell off their homes to go to Africa to build wells for villages or take medicine to people in El Salvador or work in the orphanages in Brazil - none of that. These guys NEVER mention the fact that these people go do this because they are following Jesus Christ.
Clare O'Casey replies, "I think people know it, but they say that the bad overrides the good."
Dever Dodd retorts, "People just enjoy tearing stuff down more than they like building stuff up. EXCEPT for missionaries! They're out there building, helping, caring. That, to me, is a REAL crusade!"
Clare shrugs, takes a sip of her latte, and says quietly, "Bad news is just more interesting than good news. Good news is boring. People only care about missionaries whenever they get their heads chopped off in Iraq or blown away by Mexican cartels in Reynosa."
Dever Dodd agrees. "Sad, but true."
Clare O'Casey says, "Like white people guilt over slavery?"
Dever Dodd replies, "Exactly! But that's a whole 'nother story. All I read on Twitter is 'Crusades! Believe in Christ or we kill you!' - which means these guys don't understand either one - Christ OR the Crusades."
Clare O'Casey says, "Well, they were pretty brutal, and it's right there in the bloody name - Cross, CRUS-ades. Crusades MEANS Cross. Cross of Christ. You can't separate the two."
Dever Dodd says, "Still doesn't take away from the fact that it was still a land grab. Nothing but a land grab. It was all about money and power. Which means it's about as far away from Christ as any non-believer. What really peeves me to the bone is that they never once talk about all the missionaries who quit their jobs and sell off their homes to go to Africa to build wells for villages or take medicine to people in El Salvador or work in the orphanages in Brazil - none of that. These guys NEVER mention the fact that these people go do this because they are following Jesus Christ.
Clare O'Casey replies, "I think people know it, but they say that the bad overrides the good."
Dever Dodd retorts, "People just enjoy tearing stuff down more than they like building stuff up. EXCEPT for missionaries! They're out there building, helping, caring. That, to me, is a REAL crusade!"
Clare shrugs, takes a sip of her latte, and says quietly, "Bad news is just more interesting than good news. Good news is boring. People only care about missionaries whenever they get their heads chopped off in Iraq or blown away by Mexican cartels in Reynosa."
Dever Dodd agrees. "Sad, but true."
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Overheard at Table 4: Avengers Age of Ultron
I don't know - do you think Marvel's going overboard with all the action and the characters and the new stuff?

What in the hell are you talking about? That movie was a total thrill ride.
But it wasn't the same as the first one. I don't think it was as good anyway.
It was totally better. It had the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. The only thing that sucked was that they killed off Quicksilver.
Dude! Keep your voice down! SPOILER ALERT! SPOILER ALERT!
Whatever, if anybody hasn't seen it yet, they're not going to - and if they want to but couldn't have been bothered to get out there yet then they don't deserve to be alerted to the spoilers. Here's another, everyone! BLACK WIDOW AND HULK HOOK UP!!
Dude! What the hell! Plus, no they don't.
Yes, they do. It's implied. Plus, there at the end they finally made way for Thanos to come to earth and do some major stomping in the NEXT Avengers movie.
And I bet that's what you've been waiting for.
Of course! Yeah, Thanos is totally bad ass!
Yeah, my kid brother has been waiting for Thanos. He would've come with us but he was on a school trip.
I'm gonna take him to see this one again next weekend. So DON'T you give him any spoilers, you hear me?!
Sorry, dude, I just texted him about Hawkeye's secret family. Is that not cool?

What in the hell are you talking about? That movie was a total thrill ride.
But it wasn't the same as the first one. I don't think it was as good anyway.
It was totally better. It had the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. The only thing that sucked was that they killed off Quicksilver.
Dude! Keep your voice down! SPOILER ALERT! SPOILER ALERT!

Dude! What the hell! Plus, no they don't.

And I bet that's what you've been waiting for.
Of course! Yeah, Thanos is totally bad ass!
Yeah, my kid brother has been waiting for Thanos. He would've come with us but he was on a school trip.
I'm gonna take him to see this one again next weekend. So DON'T you give him any spoilers, you hear me?!
Sorry, dude, I just texted him about Hawkeye's secret family. Is that not cool?
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Overheard at Table 2: What She Said to Me on Mother's Day
… you can’t go around trying to fix things when if you cared
you would have made sure there was nothing to fix. I’m only asking that you take me into
consideration like you take everything else into consideration. You plan your school your work your driving
schedule your Bible study your songs for the group you plan everything and I’m
nowhere in that consideration. Nowhere
in your time. I’m not even the last
thing you have to check off your list because I don’t even make it to the list!
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
FDR Quote to help you understand in what country you now live
“Better the occasional faults of a government that lives in a spirit of charity than the consistent omissions of a government frozen in the ice of its own indifference.”
― Franklin D. Roosevelt
Overread at the Counter: Children of One Faith
I love you my brother whoever you are
Whether you worship in your church, kneel in your temple
Or pray in your mosque.
You and I
Are children of one faith
Fingers of the loving hand of one supreme being
A hand extended to all.
- Khalil Gilbran
Whether you worship in your church, kneel in your temple
Or pray in your mosque.
You and I
Are children of one faith
Fingers of the loving hand of one supreme being
A hand extended to all.
- Khalil Gilbran
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