M: Did you hear that they're cutting funding to NIH?
C: Good!
M: How can you say that?
C: You don't know! I know! I work at the University and you don't know what they do to the animals there ... they have dogs in cages, monkeys that they separate from their mothers just to see how they'll react, rabbits that they pour chemicals in their eyes just to study what medicines they can make. All that is from Federal grant money, but YOU! You think that it's all about cancer research. Well, they already have a cure for cancer but they won't let anybody know because cancer is such a big industry, so yeah, they SHOULD cut off all the funding to ALL scientists until they can figure out what's really helpful and what's not.
M: Wow. That's a lot to unpack there.
C: You should pay more attention to what's happening instead of being such a Leftist with your head in the sand thinking everyone is so goody-goody!