Another "How was it?"
One "It was pretty good - although I have to admit the one we went to last year in Muskogee was better"
Still another "How so?"
One "Well, even though the one in Muskogee was smaller, it stayed more on target, I guess you could say. Plantersville was a little all over the place, with this bleedthrough of Ancient Rome, blackwinged Incubi, Dickensien clad haunted house barkers . . . Muskogee was much more on target, and had much more cast wandering through the lanes and the byways. I remember last year I got to talk to 'King Henry' and the guy was spot-on in character - it was brilliant!"
Yet another "I dunno, I never much go for the Rennie Fests. They're never quite like I remember them good ole days!"
Yet another's significant other "Ay luv, these are much better than them days! At least now the dirt in the streets is just that! Dirt! In the old days all the streets were a runnin' stink of fiss and peecees!"
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