Saturday, November 11, 2023

Overheard at Table 3: from Disassociation Tomato - What We See When We Wear Funyons as Glasses

What We See When We Wear Funyons as Glasses


Now, to tell you the truth, it’s not like suddenly I was able to see them.  It was a slow process.  It started off just like a flicker of light, almost like a splinter, that flickered across my line of sight.  Think of a shooting star – just a streak – and then there was another, and another.

Then, shapes began to form.  I was still looking at the ceiling tiles, the corner where the ceiling meets the wall, and I could see the tops of the shelves, but the edges of everything began to shimmer.  It’s sort of like the way the light dances in a small stream, when the sun is shining down, and it looks like little flecks of gold leaves on the water.

These flecks began to swirl and bend and form shapes, snake-like, that were taking place around the edges of the shadows of the ceiling and the walls and the bookshelves.

The whole thing gave me the feeling that I had the one time my dad and mom took me to see Dad’s uncle in Colorado, when I was maybe 8 or 9, and we all went out fishing on his lake, and I was to reach into the bucket to grab some minnows to the bait the hook, and the minnows were fast and silvery and slippery and almost impossible to catch with my hands – I remember laughing as slithered through my fingers.  My uncle finally gave me a small net to grab them.

But this was kind of like that – little minnows slashing through the air.

Until they started to come a little bit more into focus, and then I could see that they were dragons.  Like Kit – with the same shimmering scales that changed colors constantly, but they were obviously older dragons, full-grown, and they didn’t move with Kit’s puppy-like dog moves, no, these dragons moved with grace and smoothness and how they flew around the room showed that they knew exactly what they were doing and where they were going.

It seemed like they were there and yet, were not.  It’s hard to explain.  Also, I couldn’t really tell their size – even though they seemed close by, they also seemed distant.  I could tell that they were huge, wherever they were, but they were so close and yet so far away, that they did seem small with the distance.

“How come no one has ever seen these through the Funyons before?” I asked Acsa.

“What do you mean?” she said.

“I’m sure we’re not the first people who’ve ever held Funyons up to their eyes before.”

“Have you?”

“Well yeah!  As a kid I did it all the time.  Never saw dragons then!”

“You didn’t give it enough time.  And as a kid, you never got quiet enough to let yourself see them.   But it’s really kind of sad that I’m showing you these dragons and all you can think about is eating Funyons when you were a kid. I mean, here I am showing you something AMAZING and you’re not even saying, ‘Wow Acsa!  This is something almost NOBODY has ever seen before!’ but instead you’re all like ‘How come nobody’s noticed?’”

“Sorry,” I said, but that was instinctive.  I really didn’t know what I was sorry FOR.

“Just look at them.  Look at how they move, how they breathe, how they just … ARE.   Aren’t they beautiful?”

“Yes,” I said.  “Very beautiful.”  But I wasn’t looking at the dragons at that moment.  I was looking at her.

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