Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Overheard at Booth 3: Corporate Citizens

1: I heard Bill Moyers say, "I'll believe corporations are people when Texas executes one."

2: Yeah, but if that ever happens there's a 5 to 7% chance that that particular corporation is either innocent or mentally incapable of understanding the charges brought against it.


  1. Dear man of God , Holy Greetings to you in The Most Holy Name of The Lord Jesus Christ.

    I have Read your Writings ,they are wonderful.

    I am a Pastor From India.

    If it is God's will, Please pray for me and for our ministries.

    I and we pray for you.

    In Christ Alone

    1. Sir, I would be honoured. Of course I will keep you in my prayers, for your ministries and especially for those who need your help.

      In the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
