Thursday, July 11, 2024

Overheard at Table 2: I Have Something to Say to a Slate Writer

I have something to say as well, Slate writer: "Stuff it"

The world is already far too busy, too much noise, light, chaos, battering our senses all time, incessantly, without stop.  

Putting down the window shade over a space the size of a sheet of paper when you're at 30,000 feet and there is nothing to see but grey clouds anyway is a RARE, BRIEF moment of serenity, of calm, of a tiny cocoon in which we can shut out all the screaming NOISE.

Sure, open the shade for takeoff and landing, because topography can be cool.  You can say goodbye and then hello, but in the air?  C'mon, Slate writer, stuff your bad take here


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