Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Overheard at Table 4: Marriage Games "Where to Eat Tonight"

Of all the marriage games I love to play, my favorite HAS to be "Where do you want to eat tonight?"

It goes like this, let my wife and I demonstrate

Me: Where to you want to eat tonight?

Wife: You choose.

Me: Ha!  I'm not falling for that trap again, where do YOU want to eat tonight?

Wife: I am SO TIRED of your indecisiveness!  Make a choice!

Me: Ok, fine, let's go get Bar-B-Que

Wife: Ew, no!  That's too heavy for dinner.

Me: Steaks, then.

Wife: Also heavy red meat!

Me: Mexican?

Wife: I had Mexican for lunch.

Me: Italian?

Wife: I want to cut back on pasta.

Me: Thai?

Wife: Too spicy.

Me: Chinese.

Wife: Too boring.

Me: Korean?

Wife: Too expensive.

Me: Japanese.

Wife: We had that on Sunday.

Me: Indian, then.

Wife: You always complain that it burns your mouth.

Me: I'm just going to go home and make a sandwich.

Wife: Let's have Mediterranean.

Me: Ok, then, good choice!

Wife: Finally!  I have to do EVerything!

Monday, December 18, 2023

Overheard at Table 3: Womb with a View

Molly dreamed that her baby had a "womb with a view" - peeking out through a pouch, like a kangaroo.

When she awoke, Molly saw a long, jagged cut across the top of her pregnant belly - her sharp thumbnail, still wet with blood.

Monday, December 11, 2023

Overheard at Table 1: Blue Tea Blues

 Blue Tea Blues

Oh Lawd I was so thirsty
I fell down upon my knees
Oh Lawd I was so thirsty
I fell right down on my knees
Asked my baby for a drink of water
All she gave me was some ol’ Blue Tea

I asked my pretty mama
Oh please have mercy on me
I asked my pretty mama
Please won’t you have some mercy on little ol’ me
She laughed and walked out the door
saying you just go on and drink that ol’ Blue Tea

Now I’m here all alone
Just drinking down this ol’ Blue Tea
Got no water, no liquor, no woman
All I got is this ol’ Blue Tea
Well Jesus on the Cross got Vinegar
and all I got is this damn ol’ Blue Tea

Well my Lord Jesus!
On da CROSS!
All He got was vinegarrrrrrrrrr

… vinegar as bitter as this Blue Tea
dat’s all my baby left of me.


Friday, December 8, 2023

Overheard at Table 2: Prolegómonos


Two church elders,
t-shirts, shorts,
beer guts, both
sit beside the 
Tree, the Babe,
Joseph and Mary.

They await the third

He's bringing the kolaches.



Sunday, December 3, 2023

Overheard at Table 3: Julie's Third Seizure


... The Three Wise Men Go to Buc-EE's <= story title


Mateo 2:1-5

Mateo 2: 8-12

Números 24:7

Belen Efretah, small city

Charlie Dyer



Nahum 3:12


written 2023-1203, but the poem genesis was on 2023-1202

Julie suffers her third seizure
in the two months since
the operation
to remove half the brain tumor

The brothers at the Kingdom Hall
are strangely silent, but
her aunt prays fervently
for healing
to the name
of a baby
born this month,
born to die.

Friday, December 1, 2023

Overheard at Table 1: X-Mass

If it is EX-Mass, does that mean it was formerly Mass but now is no longer Mass?