Of all the marriage games I love to play, my favorite HAS to be "Where do you want to eat tonight?"
It goes like this, let my wife and I demonstrate
Me: Where to you want to eat tonight?
Wife: You choose.
Me: Ha! I'm not falling for that trap again, where do YOU want to eat tonight?
Wife: I am SO TIRED of your indecisiveness! Make a choice!
Me: Ok, fine, let's go get Bar-B-Que
Wife: Ew, no! That's too heavy for dinner.
Me: Steaks, then.
Wife: Also heavy red meat!
Me: Mexican?
Wife: I had Mexican for lunch.
Me: Italian?
Wife: I want to cut back on pasta.
Me: Thai?
Wife: Too spicy.
Me: Chinese.
Wife: Too boring.
Me: Korean?
Wife: Too expensive.
Me: Japanese.
Wife: We had that on Sunday.
Me: Indian, then.
Wife: You always complain that it burns your mouth.
Me: I'm just going to go home and make a sandwich.
Wife: Let's have Mediterranean.
Me: Ok, then, good choice!
Wife: Finally! I have to do EVerything!